Monday, December 22, 2008

No Matter What

No matter what they tell us
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe is true

No matter what they call us
However they attack
No matter where they take us
We'll find our own way back

I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know our love forever
I know, no matter what

If only tears were laughter
If only night was day
If only prayers were answered
Then we would hear God say

No matter what they tell you
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach you
What we believe is true

And I will keep you safe and strong
And shelter from the storm
No matter where it's barren
A dream is being born

No matter who they follow
No matter where they lead
No matter how they judge us
I'll be everyone you need

No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies are blue
No matter what the end is
My life began with You

I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know this love's forever
That's all that matters now
No matter what



Saturday, December 20, 2008

What it means to me

Ni tulisan sbenere dah lama gw bikin. Dipublish di blog gw di friendster.
Tp klo dah mo Natal gini kekny cocok klo gw post disini....

Apa arti Natal buat gw....
Natal itu...
Penuh musik yang gw suka.
Full of peace and joy.
Banyak kegembiraan... sukacita... kehangatan...
Banyak tawa.
Banyak sodara.
Banyak temen.
Banyak sms.
Kadang2 ada hadiah juga...
Sometimes... I’m dreaming of a white Christmas...
Yang udah jelas, pasti banyak ada makanan (monya bikin pizza lagi taon ini)

Tapi.. kalo dipikir dan dirasa lebih daalam lagi, apa sih arti Natal yg sebenerny itu menurut gw? Gw bukan org yg beriman tinggi, tapi gw punya pendapat soal hari Natal (watch out guys, I’m talking deep now)

Natal itu kan hari kelahiran Tuhan Yesus...
So, what? Maksudnya apa Dia lahir? Kalo dah lahir trus kenapa emang?
I don’t know about other people, tapi buat gw, Natal or hari kelahiran Tuhan Yesus itu adalah bentuk solidaritas Tuhan terhadap manusia. (nyomot istilah dr buku gereja)

Kalo bertemen, gw selalu mengagungkan solidaritas antar teman. Kalo ada yg sedih or punya masalah, y ditemenin. Dihibur, ditampung curhatnya.. Kalo ada yg g punya duit, y diutangin dulu... Or klo lagi ada tugas, y bikinlah bareng2. Salah or bener ditanggung bersama... Pokoknya, intiny solider. Solider itu menunjukkan kalo kita care, kita tulus, dan kita sayang sama temen kita.

Di hari pertama, Tuhan menciptakan manusia karena Dia sayang bener. Bukan kaya manusia yang nyiptain robot buat diperintah2 n disuruh2 demi kepentingan tuannya. Jadi jelas sayangnya Tuhan sama manusia itu gratis tanpa pamrih. Jauh lebih mulia dari kasih Ibu. Kalo kasih Ibu sepanjang jalan, kasih Tuhan tuh sepanjang jagat deh kayanya. G ada ujungnya.

Hmm... What do you think you’ll do if you have love that BIG to someone? Lo bakal rela ngapain aja deh. Because you love that someone more than the life itself. Matipun rela, demi melindungi orang yg disayangin itu biar g kenapa2.

Bahaya apa yg dihadapi manusia, dah jelas kan. Kalo dah mati masuk neraka. Itu kalo menurut kepercayaan Kristen lho. Sekarang kalo sudut pandangnya dijauhin banget jadinya gini, Tuhan nyiptain manusia, menaruhnya di bumi ini untuk hidup, belajar, mati, trus... harapan berikutnya pasti dah jelas, bisa kembali lagi sama Tuhan. Tapi kok, kayaknya lebih banyak orang yg masuk neraka y, drpd masuk Surga? Manusia tu masih aja kayakny g ngerti gimana caranya hidup sesuai yg diinginkan Tuhan.

Sekarang kalo gw yg jadi Tuhan, dengan cinta yang begitu besoaarnya kepada manusia, masa bisa tenang2 aja ngeliat manusia itu teteep aja hidupnya mengarah menjauhi jalan Tuhan dan mengarah pada kehancuran di tangan setan? Trus abisnya gimana donk. Semua usaha dari ngasih aturan2, batasan2, n ngutus nabi2 juga ga mempan. Gregetan g sih. Tapi kalo nongol tiba2 aja dari langit trus marah2 ato ngasih perintah secara langsung gitu, mana bisa. Tar yg ada pada jantungan semua trus pada mati lagi. Susah.. Jalan satu2ny.. ya turun tangan sendiri ngasih contoh sama manusia gimana cara hidup yg baik, cara mengasihi seperti yg Gw kehendaki (kan tadi misalny kalo gw yg jadi Tuhan). Dengan cara jadi manusia juga. Dengan segala kelemahan yg dimiliki manusia, menghadapi cobaan2 yg dihadapi manusia dan dengan kekuatan yg sama dengan manusia biasa. Kenapa nggak? Namanya aja cinta. Love is blind man. God will do anything for His beloved human. Dia mau ngajarin kita gimana caranya menjadi dewasa (tau kan dewasa? Bertanggung jawab, gak manja, de el el) dan hidup menurut jalan-Nya.

Akhirnya apa? Seumur hidupnya Tuhan Yesus ngasih contoh sama manusia, gimana caranya mengasihi. Bahkan sampe mati. Bukan mati di rumah sakit dengan tenang dan damai, tapi menderita. Tuhan Yesus menunjukkan kalo kasih itu juga adalah memaafkan dan mengasihani. Gak ada kesalahan yg ga bisa dimaafin. Karena itu Dia nunjukkin dengan cara memaafkan dan mendoakan para pembunuh2nya. Dia tetap menyayangi mereka. THAT, my friends, is what you can call, L.O.V.E

Sekarang coba pikir kalo semua orang di dunia ini hidup dengan cinta kasih seperti itu.. Gak mungkin? Emang gak mungkin. Karena kalo itu sampe kejadian, berarti lo dah g di bumi lagi, melainkan di Surga. (Kalo semua orang hidup kaya gitu, g bakal ada perang, g ada tentara, g ada senjata, n yg pasti... ga ada duit!!! Karena semua orang pasti akan bekerja, memberi, dan mengusahakan yg terbaik untuk orang lain tanpa pamrih. Kebayang g sih lo ke toko trus tinggal minta aja ama pedagangnya n dia bakal ngasih gratis dengan senang hati? Trus kebayang g kalo lo akan melakukan apa aja semampu lo ketika orang yg ga lo kenal minta bantuan sama lo? Gw ngebayangin pasti kayak gitu rasanya hidup di surga. Everything is for free, man!)

Kalo dah tau manusia tu gak mungkin semuanya hidup sesuai dengan keinginanNya, ngapain Tuhan repot2 ngorbanin diri? Sia2 donk, usahanya..
Yah, namanya juga Tuhan. Emang bokap nyokap lo waktu ngelahirin dan ngerawat lo dah yakin 100% kalo lo bakal jadi seperti yg mereka harapkan? Pasti mereka juga tau kalo ni anak g bakal jadi anak yang sempurna. Tapi sekali lagi, namanya aja CINTA bo... pengorbanan demi cinta ga ngitung untung rugi, berguna ato sia2, yg penting berusaha semaksimal mungkin, sehabis-habisnya buat orang yg dicintai tanpa mengharap imbalan apapun...

Kadang orang ngerasa sendiri.. ga ada yg mencintai dengan tulus.. Well, HE, The One who created you, is always there, loving you, watching you, and He never sleep... Bahasa Rusianya, Gusti Allah ora sare.

That’s what Christmas means to me...
Merry Christmas everybody, lets try give this world some love that it needs desperately..

"You Needed Me"

I cried a tear
You wiped it dry
I was confused
You cleared my mind
I sold my soul
You bought it back for me
You held me up
You gave me dignity
Somehow You needed me

You gave me strength
To stand alone again
To face the world
Out on my own again
You put me high
Upon a pedestal
So high that I could almost see eternity
You needed me
You needed me

I can't believe it's You
I can't believe it's true
I needed You
And you were there
And I'll never leave, why should I leave?
I'd be a fool
I finally found Someone who really cares

You held my hand
When it was cold
When I was lost
You took me home
You gave me love
When I was at the end
And turned my life
Back into truth again
You even called me 'friend'

You gave me strength
To stand alone again
To face the world
Out on my own again
You put me high
Upon a pedestal
So high that I could almost see eternity
You needed me
You needed me....



Wednesday, December 17, 2008

boong - boongan

cewek: Kenapa sih cowok suka boong n ngegombal?
cowok: karena cewek suka diboongin n digombalin...

cowok: kenapa sih cewek suka pake make up, rambut palsu, bulu mata palsu, kuku palsu bahkan warna mata palsu juga?
cewek: karena cowok suka diboongin, lebih suka liat yg palsu2 drpd yg asli...

idem kan....



Sunday, December 14, 2008

The advertisement slogan that I despise

Generally i don't like most of advertisements, but this one is really piss me off.
What is it? It's Tje Fuk's, and simply just their slogan "Cantik itu putih"...
It's like the most stupid slogan I've ever heard. Are they so lack of positive-yet-inspiring slogan to sell their whitening skin products?

What "cantik itu putih" means anyway? And also those stupid guys and their stupid testimonials which are so not educative. They try to brainstorm people that a woman should be white to be beautiful. That is so ridiculous. How about Beyonce Knowles? How about Halle Berry? Anggun, Shanti etc? They're dark skinned and they're beautiful and adorable.

Maybe these people never heard the word "exotic"

Anyway, white skin can be beautiful, dark skin can also be beautiful. I know they just want to sell their products. But it's better if they can think of other positive and more educative slogan. This statement "cantik itu putih" and those stupid guys testimonials are so underestimating many of indonesian girls who generally have darker skin. So what if we don't have white skin? Meaning we're not beautiful? Hey, we don't need any judgement from stupid guys who never see other part of the world, where white skinned people do sunbathe to get sexier dark skin! I invite them to come to Bali to see Japanese or Taiwan girls wearing bikini while they enjoy the sun beam in Kuta beach.

In the end, I just wanna say that we should be grateful to whatever we have. White skin, tan skin, dark skin, whatever. We just have to take care of it so our skin would look smooth, radiant and glowing. That's what beautiful skin suppose to be, whatever the color is.

Me myself, I don't care too much about my skin... :D I won't say my skin is beautiful either. I'm happy the way I am... :)



Husbands: Here's How to Have a Great Wife!

I got this from other blog and pretty inspiring. So I copy paste it here. Unlike my usual pirating habit :P, this time as she recomended, I also mention the writer of this nice article :)

Hope this article bring something good to you.. :)

(Andrew Tallman)

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord,” and he who nourishes a wife preserves a good thing and maintains the favor of the Lord.

God allowed you to find your wife because He believed you would take good care of His precious daughter. This is why you obtain the dual blessings of having her and pleasing Him. But what happens when you don’t take good care of your wife? A man who neglects his wife makes her miserable and then she makes him miserable. As the saying goes, “When mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” But she isn’t the only unhappy one. I believe you also anger God by betraying His confidence in trusting you with her. After all, what father is happy when his son-in-law fails to keep his darling content?

I’ve been to many weddings, and I have yet to see a woman stand at the altar promising to “love, honor, and obey so long as you both shall live” while thinking to herself, “I despise this man, and I expect this marriage to make me miserable.” Not likely. She stands there with hope, anticipation, love, admiration, and the expectation of great joy in her heart. Unfortunately, if you fail to meet her needs and fulfill her hopes, she will not stay that way. The best way to ruin a good woman is to marry her and then fail to give her what she expected to receive.

Oh, sure, perhaps she exerts a tremendous effort and manages to stay sweet and wonderful in spite of you neglecting her. Even the Bible teaches her to love you into being a better man. But to expect or demand this from her is naively optimistic and, quite frankly, unfair. There is a much better way: the Biblical way.

When we quote Ephesians 5, men often emphasize the wife’s duty to submit. Okay, fine. But the husband’s duty is to love his wife as Christ loved the Church, His Bride. In thinking about the relationship between Christ and the Church, who has the greater challenge? Who does more? Who is primarily responsible for the ultimate success of the relationship? Your obligation to represent the love of Jesus in your marriage is a monumentally greater task than your wife’s obligation to represent the submission of the Church.

So, what does it take to have a great wife? Simple. Be a great lord. And what does it take to be a great lord? Equally simple. Know the needs and desires of your wife and meet them. If you don’t, she will become just the sort of wife you don’t want: nagging, withholding, bitter, and frustrated. God gave you a beautiful flower. He does not expect a dead thorn bush in return. You’d have done better to remain single than to so ruin the beautiful human rose He entrusted to you.

That’s the simple part. It may be unpleasant to ponder, but it’s simple. Your job is to nurture, cherish, love, honor, serve, provide for, lead, impress, and protect your wife. And if you never stop doing this, the chance that she will be a great wife is very good. Yes, she retains free will and may fail on her part, but, when you do your part, it becomes much easier for her to do hers.

So how is this to be accomplished? This is where things get dicey. Willard Harley wrote a very helpful book called “His Needs, Her Needs,” in which he outlines the top needs of women. They include affection, conversation, honesty and openness, financial support, and family commitment. This is all true. Gary Chapman wrote another helpful book called “The Five Love Languages,” in which he talks about giving love through gifts, quality time, words of encouragement, physical touch, and acts of service. This is also true. Gary Smalley has written books. James Dobson has written books. Ellen Kreidman has written books. And all the books in the world are helpful and at the same time not. Here’s why.

Women aren’t a formula.

Every woman is different. Every woman is complex. Every woman is mysterious. And just about the worst thing you can do is think that she can be solved like some math equation. Men, by contrast, are not all that complex. This is why men and women don’t understand each other. Women often refuse to believe men are so simple. Men often can’t grasp that women are so complicated.

Yet God is represented in both of these. He is at once both absurdly simple and astoundingly complex. He is straightforward and mysterious. In other words, God made it so that women could learn about Him by understanding men and that men could learn about Him by understanding women. That’s why marriage is such a rich theological gift.

And your part, husbands, is the harder one. Though the task is simple (to make her feel loved and precious beyond comparison), the method is not simple. Although I can confidently tell her what to do in general to make you happy (see my previous article), I cannot tell you the same about your wife. You have to figure that out for yourself, and, even if you figure her out today, it may be a new puzzle tomorrow or the next day.

That’s okay. That’s one side of God’s nature you’re experiencing. If it frustrates you, you’re really just admitting you’re frustrated with God. But if you take it as the greatest challenge with the neatest reward, then you’ve suddenly discovered something far more interesting than fantasy football ever can be.

But if I can’t give you a formula, why did I bother writing this? Because if I can merely get you to recognize the nature of the challenge and stop thinking that there is a four-step plan you can follow to nurture a great wife, I’ve already helped you immensely.

Let me conclude with a personal example. Most women like surprises. My wife hates them. Most women like to be given sweets such as chocolate. My wife likes it once but then gets angry because she worries it will make her fat. Most women like to be given lavish gifts that show their value. My wife considers that a waste of our carefully managed budget. Most women like to celebrate anniversaries. My wife couldn’t care less. So what do I do?

Well, I could ignore everything I know about her by surprising her with an expensive chocolate extravaganza on our anniversary. Then I could pride myself for having followed a set of rules that would apply for most women as I sit back to enjoy the fruits of my stupidity. Or I could let her purchase season 10 of Little House on the Prairie on DVD for herself at Target on sale two months before our anniversary. Guess which one I did? And she was quite satisfied with that. We must give our wives what they truly want, not what we think they want … just like God.

So, what’s the lesson? Learn what YOUR wife needs from you to feel loved, and then give it to her. Pay attention. Really pay attention. Try some experiments, and see how it turns out. If you find something that works, try it some more. Never stop trying to impress her with the things you will do to make her feel loved. But also never forget that she’s a woman, not a formula… just like God.

And if you follow this simple (and completely unsimple) advice, I suspect you’ll find yourself married to a great wife. At the very least, she’ll appreciate you trying so hard to understand and satisfy her … just like God.

Source: Crosswalk



Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wanna Break Free

I want to break free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your love
You're so self satisfied, I don't need you
I want to break free
God knows, God knows I want to break free

Am I in a bad mood? likely
Am I in trouble? likely
Am I mad? a bit
Am I upset? a bit
Am I in doubt? absolutely.

Really can't tell how I feel..
I only know if somebody give me a one way ticket to get out of here, I'll take it without a second thought.

What's happening to me? I don't know. I know the reason, I just don't know what to do. What I know is that I want to run away, and break free..

Have you ever been in a crossroad when you have no idea which way to go and a train is coming at you so you have to think real fast to make your decision before it run you over?

Or, have you ever decided to keep walking in the path that you know leads to a ravine because you was confident that you can jump far enough and safely cross over or else even if you'll fail, you're pretty sure that the ravine is not so deep that you won't get injured so bad so you can still cross over and manage to move forward, but, suddenly after getting closer to the ravine and realize how deep it is and how hurt it would be if you fail to make it cross, you hesitate, and think again whether you really want to continue or not?

that's where i'm at right now... suddenly i'm really scared to move forward and cross over.

I know that I should hold on to my faith, but I can't help wanting to go back or run away.
