Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lemburrrrrrrrrrrr Sampe Kendurrrrrrrrrr

Bener2 dah, rencana berantakan. Monya shopping2, ladies night gt, ehh, malah kudu lembur pulak.

Mana erorny g jelas... (sebeellll..!!!)
Apa yg bisa daku lakukan menghadapi eror ajaib ini, lha yg expert2 aja bingung. Apalagi gw yg lola inih... hikkk..

Besok libur... I'm so waiting mo jalan2, jadi g yaa....
Duhh... laper nihh.... mana persediaan makanan dah abis.
Kumat g nih maag gw..

Ada untungny juga pindah ruangan, tiba2 aja jd ada kerjaan trus. Pdhl, biasanya... (hehehehe....)
Maka dari ituhlah, saya jd g pernah ngeblog lage, blogwalking lage, dan yg asik2 yg laen lage. Yah, sekali dua kali disempet2in jg sih, brpun g lama2..

ehh, kt si bang dapid ironman udah masuk 21!
Tumbeeeeeeennnnnn.... (wakakakaakka...)

Tp pasti rame bener neh, ngantre dr pagi.. hmmm, tak apalah, demi pelem bermutu n g pake hantu. Gw rela.

Dah ah, mo cabut dl. Erorny urusin belakangan aja. Bodo deh...




Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Semua Yang Ada

Jauh hari kumerasa
Kau nanti pasti jadi milikku
Tlah terjadi semuanya
Kuyakin kau nanti disisiku
Tak peduli apa kata yang lain
Hati ini hanya ingin dirimu

Dan kini maafkan aku, terlanjur ingini terlanjur sayangi semua yang ada
Sudikah kau terima ku terlanjur sayangi terlanjur ingini semua yang ada
di dalam dirimu

Kuterima putusanmu
Tak bakal ku tak akan menyesal
Kuakui kupaksakan
Kubukan manusia sempurna
Tak peduli apa kata yang lain
Hati ini hanya ingin dirimu

Dan kini maafkan aku terlanjur ingini terlanjur sayangi semua yang ada
Sudikah kau terima ku terlanjur sayangi terlanjur ingini semua yang ada
di dalam dirimu

Oh.. andaikan ku bisa berpaling dari dirimu
Oh.. lemas hati ini jika aku harus memilih lagi



Monday, April 14, 2008

Feeling Blue....

"When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
is take a look at you..."

I dunno if it's pms, or because i'm moving to this place, or because rossi couldn't defend his position yesterday, or...

So maybe it's better if I told myself to be strong, to be bold, to get back my common sense... You're a programmer, you're working with logic! so c'mon girl... use ur brain...



Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pindahan... (huhuhu....)

I'm sad..
My team have to move to another room...
Really hard to leave this cubicle with big windows in front of it, where i use to stare at the outside view to get some refreshment...

I can see the blue sky, n wind blowing the coconut trees. Birds flying, planes pass by, UFO... (nah, just kidding), i can see rain fall down... sometimes blind birds fly right to my window glass and hit it hard, and give me some shock theraphy (but it's nothing compare to the headache they should suffer).
One day there was this little bird that stubbornly pecking at my windows glass while flapping its little wings fast to keep flying. It kept on doing so for about 15 minutes. What an effort... I wonder what was on its mind?

Anyway, i have to back to a windowless room, where i can see nothing but walls n monitors n pcs n people's heads... (duh....)

Sometimes i want to write about something more serious in this blog. Like politics, or IT stuff, or government issues, like those in other blogs (mostly male's blogs). But i just dont know what to say.
I like watching news on the television n splurt some comments or disdain whoever the bad guys i saw at that time. But that's it. It's already planted in my mind that it's just the way it is. Nothing will change it. Maybe i'm giving up, maybe i don't care anymore, maybe i see it hopeless, actually i just don't give a damn.
And what should i write about IT? tips? i dont have the nerve... :D maybe as a girl it's just not a fun stuff to write about.. I ask my female programmer friends, and i think they have the same thoughts. Even though we're working as a software engineer, and have fun in doing it, write somethin about it just ain't fun. Yeah... i guess it's just the girl in me. So i am a girl, after all (hahahahah..)

that's it for today. i'm gonna have some fun...



Monday, April 7, 2008

Our weekend...

Dah lama g olahraga, akhirny sabtu pagi kmrn jadi jg ke sanur stelah direncanakan dan dipaksakan seminggu seblomnya...

Ni anjing bener2 benci air... hmh......
Maria : Ayo doonkk.... masuk sini!
Mayo : Gak mauu.. ga mauu... akan kuadukan ke KOMNASHAN!! (Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Hewan)

Maria :Naah... gt donk.... coba2 dulu dikit.....
Mayo :Majikan kejam.... hikks....

Mejeng dulu aah....

Sampe rumah!
Mayo: Tadi aku yg bw motor lhoo.... Makasih boss... minggu depan lagi yaaa
I'm a happy dog! yaiyyyy....!!



Thursday, April 3, 2008

I.T. Joke

Five cannibals get appointed as programmers in an IT company. During the welcoming ceremony the boss says: "You're all part of our team now. You can earn good money here, and you can go to the company canteen for something to eat. So don't trouble the other employees".

The cannibals promise not to trouble the other employees. Four weeks later the boss returns and says: "You're all working very hard, and I'm very satisfied with all of you. One of our cleaners has disappeared however. Do any of you know what happened to her?" The cannibals disavow all knowledge of the missing cleaner.

After the boss has left, the leader of the cannibals says to the others: "Which of you idiots ate the cleaner?" One of the cannibals raises his hand hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals says: "You FOOL! For four weeks we've been eating team leaders, managers, and project managers and no-one has noticed anything, and now YOU have to go and eat the cleaner!"




Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Saat Yang Tepat Untuk Nekat (warning: postingan g jelas)

Kapankah waktu yg tepat bagi seseorang untuk melakukan hal nekat??

Tergantung dr masing2 orang sih. Sesuai kebutuhan dan kepribadian. Ada yg adventurous, ada yg lebih suka play safe. Klo gw kyny masuk golongan org yg suka pengen nekat, tapi dg resiko seminimal mungkin, or bahasa kerenny "plin plan". Krn selalu hidup dlm kondisi "berani - enggak - berani - enggak". Mo nekat takut g kuat nanggung resikonya, mo g ngambil resiko tp takut kehilangan opportunity. Klo lg gini sih gw biasany cari info sebanyak2ny. Seenggakny buat bayangan lah, seberapa dalam lobang itu klo gw mst jatuh, n seberapa bagus prospekny klo seandainy gw berhasil.
Kadang informasi yg gw kumpulkan itu bikin gw jd berani ngambil resiko, kadang jg bikin mundur teratur. Tp g jarang jg krn kelamaan mikir kesempatannya jd lewat begitu aja (hiks..)

Ky sekarang misalny, gw pengin ke amrik, or kemana kek gt, somewhere in belahan bumi barat yg bnyk bule2 gantengny (orientasiny agak2 g jelas antara mengadu nasib n memperbaiki keturunan). Tp ragu2 antara mo nekat brangkat secepetny or nanti2 aja. Ke negara ini or ke negara itu, pake jalan gini or begitu. Sama si ini or sama si itu (lho?? kok??)

Jadi gimana nehh??? brangkat kagak???



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Istri Programmer

Sebelum memutuskan untuk menikah dengan IT Guys pikir dulu masak-masak dan
jangan menyesal kemudian. Makanya perhatikan baik-baik percakapan antara
seorang istri dengan suaminya, seorang Software Engineer.
Suami: (Pulang telat dari kantor) "Selamat malam sayang, sekarang saya logged in."
Istri: "Apakah kamu bawa oleh-oleh yang aku minta?"
Suami: "Bad command or filename."
Istri: "Tapi aku bilangnya dari tadi pagi!"
Suami: "Errorneous syntax. Abort?"
Istri: "Trus, bagaimana tentang beli televisi baru?"
Suami: "Variable not found..."

Istri: "OK deh, kalo gitu aku minta kartu kreditmu. Aku mau belanja sendiri
Suami: "Sharing Violation. Access denied..."
Istri: "Apakah kamu lebih mencintai komputer daripada aku? Atau kamu hanya main-main saja?"
Suami: "Too many parameters..."
Istri: "Itu kesalahan terbesar kalo saya menikahi orang 'idiot' sepertimu."
Suami: "Data type mismatch."
Istri: "Kamu tidak berguna."
Suami: "It's by Default."
Istri: "Bagaimana dengan gajimu?"
Suami: "File in use ... Try later."
Istri: "Kalo gitu apa posisiku di keluarga ini?"
Suami: "Unknown Virus."
